My Virginity

'My Virginity Story' ----------------- Okay, so a lot of people, mostly men and one, older woman have all asked me to detail how and when and with whom I lost my virginity. So here we go, fans : I was talking to some of my girlfriends about this and I found we had something in common : our virginities were taken by someone other than our long term (proper) boyfiends! I have been with my boyfriend Callum, for um, a long time. I was rather young you see, I'm not saying how young, but he's two and a half years older than me, and that used to be a lot, but not so much so now. We did, of… Leer más

Publicado por Bryony2001 3 años atrás 13

A story i Like (not mine)

I am a 48 year old woman who is married with three c***dren. My husband works 12 hours a day and my c***dren are all off at college. This was not an issue for me up to a couple of months ago when I lost my job due to the economic slow down. Since then I have spent my days searching the internet and all other outlets trying to find a new job. I have a lot of time on my hands as there is not a lot to do around the house once the laundry and cleaning is done. I have made friends with Ann, who is a real estate agent that lives across the street from us. Ann is in her early 50s and is a very att… Leer más

Publicado por oldhornywoman 7 años atrás 40

An End

Vic lay motionless for a sec, letting herself meditate on the moment at hand. My fingers wiggled inside her and her quietness forced me to slow down and enjoy just being there with her. I leaned over and licked her crack some more, my fingers going deeper. Vic moaned from way inside, letting out her feelings of sensation in a profound release. I continued licking and kissing her most intimate place, letting her give to me. I licked the sweat off the inside of her cheeks, tasting her skin. It was so quiet for a minute, the humming of the fridge the only sound save for our bodies shifting and th… Leer más

Publicado por fantaray 8 años atrás 9

A Start

I felt excited thinking about my new friend Victoria stopping by for a visit. I had invited her over so that we could get to know each other better. I am very attracted to her, though I don't know if she feels the same about me. I felt a little out of control with anticipation of her imminent arrival. I had cleaned up a little, taken a shower and gotten dressed in a way that I hoped would interest her and draw her to me. I even put on a little perfume; just a hint. I felt femme, but that isn't always me. I wanted Vic to see me as feminine today for some reason, so I dressed the part, in a roya… Leer más

Publicado por fantaray 8 años atrás 14

My little Jessie

First story I've written but a True story .Funny how things just happen. I have a niece that I have been fucking off & on for many years. She came to the house on a Friday to babysit my son. My wife had gone out of town & I was going to an event on Sunday. Jessie was a sexy little thing, very young. She was skinny,little tight ass & small tits.We have always been close & talked about anything. This evening we were watching a movie in the living room. Can't remember how we got on the subject, but we started talking about sex. She was telling me about fucking boys in college &amp… Leer más

Publicado por Thedom2 5 años atrás 85

A Weekend With Daddy

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Publicado por TXLOVING2015 8 años atrás

Kelly Visits the Country

Kelly turned off the paved road and onto the long dirt driveway. The sign said 'Wonder Farm 1.2 Miles' the arrow pointed straight ahead. As Kelly made her way down the long dirt drive she watched her rearview as the dust slowly settled behind her. The morning was cool, but the air was still. Kelly could tell it was going to be a hot sticky day. Probably going to get one of Missouri's famous thunderstorms by evening. She pulled her car up to the barn, stepped out and headed to the door marked office. "Good morning," the girl behind the counter said, "you must be Kelly." "And you must be Frol… Leer más

Publicado por 35whelen 6 años atrás 40

Naughty Night

Il m'a accordé son amitié des les premiers jours de mon inscription sur xH. Il est resté toujours le même,courtois, discret, fidèle en amitié, sans rien imposé pour cela. Il nous fait partager régulièrement des vidéos en HD jamais vulgaire, sur le plaisir féminin. Instruit, intelligent, il maitrise plusieurs langues, dont le français. Ce qui lui permet de me lire. Cela fait maintenant un an que je suis régulièrement sur ce site Il a voulu célébrer notre 1ere année d’amitié sur xH. Pour cela il a choisi de me faire cadeau de la traduction d'une de mes histoires qui lui plait bea… Leer más

Publicado por manonlez 8 años atrás 13

How To Download Movie From Xhamster !

Esta publicación es visible solo para amigos de vaiosony78
Publicado por vaiosony78 3 años atrás

A Rehearsal with Billie Eilish

I was very excited to meet Billie. She wanted me to fly out to her home in California where we would rehearse her song 'No Time to Die' for a performance on a big US chat show later that week. So, here we are, in her bedroom. "It's so good to get to work with you, Billie, especially on this song.", I said, trying to act 'cool'. She's 10 years younger than me and I'm not even 30 yet, it seems odd trying to impress her! "It's good to collaborate with people other than my brother", she replied. "It keeps things fresh". I was never quite sure whether I had the hots for her or not but as she s… Leer más

Publicado por renolami 3 años atrás 26

List Of Models' Initials

I take no credit for this. XH user Au_Loressi is the creator. I'm trying to help others. Hopefully, I can help expand the list. My additions in bold. But of course, sometimes it may be quite puzzling to find out who's talked about in the comments. So I've started to build an index of models' initials, thinking it might be useful. It's not complete (will it ever be?) and if you notice missing models, please notify in the comments, I'll update the page. About the duplicates. As you can see, there are many two-letters homonyms; perhaps we should work out a way to disambiguate them. In th… Leer más

Publicado por bianca44 3 años atrás 11

Wendy's POV (Wendy, Sara and Eve Part 4)

Wendy's POV (Wendy, Sara and Eve Part 4) I see Doug at our morning break. "Can you give me Sara's phone number and when can I reach her at home today?" "Sure, her shift starts at noon. She has Tuesday off." "Thanks I plan to call her." At noon Doug and I go to our secluded spot. "Doug I had intended to have you suckle my breasts again but we need to talk. I called Sara and asked to see her Tuesday night at her place. I wanted to see her alone, but she asked if it would be OK it you were there. Is that OK with you." "Sure, I don't see why I shouldn't be there." "Well I have some very… Leer más

Publicado por SMissx34 13 años atrás 1

Wendy's POV (Wendy, Sara and Ann part 3)

Wendy's POV (Wendy, Sara and Ann part 3) "Oh god darling, at little deeper pleasssse." Doug has been holding back, teasing my pussy! Then he thrusts deeper into me, the feeling of his stiff shaft penetrating my very wet vagina is overwhelming and I cum and so does he. I feel his hot ejaculations into my pussy. Doug pushes my legs back towards my ears to fully expose my cunt to his attentions. I want max penetration this time. he thrusts deep, deep into me! I feel the tip of his cock brushing against my cervix, and it again is too much. I thrash around my bed as I cum, quickly followed my an… Leer más

Publicado por SMissx34 13 años atrás

Wendy's POV (Wendy and Sara part 2)

Wendy's POV (Wendy and Sara part 2) I woke up very happy the next morning with Doug's cum oozing out of my thoroughly screwed pussy! I slide out from under his arm trying not to wake him. Doug will need all the rest he can get! I do my business in the bathroom then peek in and Doug is awake. Our sex last night was some of the best ever, man or girl! Doug really knew how to take his time and explore my needs! and did he ever fulfill those needs! We take each other in our arms and hold each other. It was a lovely moment of non-sexual enjoyment of just being with each other. We kissed deeply… Leer más

Publicado por SMissx34 13 años atrás

Wendy's POV ( Wendy part 1)

Wendy's POV ( Wendy part 1) If you've read Wendy part 1 you saw things from Doug's POV. So I thought you might want to see things from MY POV. I was disappointed that I was unable to seduce NAN but she is just not into girls. But the consolation prize wasn't too bad since it lead to my best ever sex partners! It was quite a let down when I started my first "real" job since I had several girl friends and boy friends sharing my bed in school. You see I don't care if you've got an outy or an inny, if you'll help me cum, welcome to my pussy. Nan set me up with Doug. He is a sexy 27, 5 ft… Leer más

Publicado por SMissx34 13 años atrás

Where did all the stories on here go??

WEB Search 12/24/2020 @ noon [local]: 1) › stories xHamster is the biggest library of free sex stories. Enjoy our collection of real erotic sex stories and share your naughty sex fantasies with the world! 2) Taboo Free taboo porn stories. All taboo porn stories are collected here and ... A is for Alice, Lewis Carroll's little love. His cock fit her cunt As a hand fits a glove. B is for Babysitting, The sweetie next door… Leer más

Publicado por -Snap-Crotch-Beaver- 3 años atrás 70

What can we expect in the future?

Pornhub Just Purged All Unverified Content From the Platform After changing its policies to ban unverified uploaders and Mastercard and Visa's decision to drop the platform entirely, Pornhub has removed millions of videos. Pornhub is removing all videos on its site that weren't uploaded by official content partners or members of its model program, a fundamental shift in the way one of the largest porn sites in the world operates. This means a significant portion of its videos will disappear.  "As part of our policy to ban unverified uploaders, we have now also suspended all prev… Leer más

Publicado por Jana-chen 3 años atrás 198

Anyone know loves_the_bean ?

He seems like a total wanker to me!!! And what’s with his username? This guy’s trying way too hard Major loser… Leer más

Publicado por MorningRebecca 5 años atrás 5

Video Names

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Publicado por Bioluc88 4 años atrás

Only Dumb Assholes Post Names

Why? …….. Because of Algorithms. "an algorithm is basically an instance of logic written in SOFTWARE by software developers to be effective for the intended TARGET to produce output from given input." -Wikipedia ie: The moment the "Target" (Name of Pornstar) is posted, the "Software" (xHamster) spits it out and removes the video. Many Pornstars do not want their content on Free porn sites. Either because they have their own website, or for copyright issues, But mostly because they want you to pay. XHamster has made deals with Pornstars , Studios and Producers to delete… Leer más

Publicado por pornstories4ever 7 años atrás 26

Kim's first night of lesbian pleasure

So maybe a tad bit too long, just stick with it ok. It's that time of the afternoon when the fiercest heat of the day has subsided to a delicious warmth. Kim finishes her last lap of the pool and climbs out. She shakes her head and pats some of the water off herself with a towel. Then she walks to where she has left her things and lies down in the sun. She takes her book out of her bag and starts to read. She bets herself that she can read twenty pages before the girl in the white bikini appears. She loses. The girl comes down the steps after only ten. Kim doesn't have a watch with her but… Leer más

Publicado por Female_body 4 años atrás 31


she pulls me close, kisses gently, soft breasts flatten, as bodies press, says she loves me, stares intently, whispering back, I too confess, she kisses hard, and lust smoulders, red lips open, squirming tongues meet, slipping the straps, off my shoulders, dress drops to floor, puddles round feet, her dress slides off, moist eye observes, just black lace briefs, beneath her gown, kiss neck and ears, hands explore curves, leads me to bed, pushes me down, kneels between thighs, and leans forward, warm skin presses, kisses my neck, soft moan issues, lips trail downward, my large plump breasts,… Leer más

Publicado por ashleybenson1 4 años atrás 7

To Sarah please come back

To Sarah I truly miss your warm and engaging,. I hope you're okay. You left so suddenly please come back I miss you so much… Leer más

Publicado por J4hi 4 años atrás 26


"Lets go to a starbucks" you say. We enter the Starbucks, order our coffee's. We decide to sit upstairs,  its more cosy and much more quiet. Sitting side by side we were holding hands, making small talk, you rest your head on my shoulder. Then the waitress brings us our coffee's.  You let go of my hand to stir your coffee, my hand falls onto your bare leg, i began to rub your thigh, feeling the goosebumps over your thigh and probably all over your body. My fingertips curves and moves between your legs up to the gusset of your panties. You squeeze your legs together. "Lauryn"!! I cont… Leer más

Publicado por Female_body 4 años atrás 11

Two girls explore third part

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Publicado por Female_body 4 años atrás

Two girls explore second part

Part two I was so happy to be staying at Meghan's place for a whole week. I just wished that it could of been more than that. When woke up around 10.00am we were still cuddled together. I kissed her gently on the lips, she slowly began to stir, and her hand that was behind my head pulled us closer together, and we started kissing properly tongue on tongue. She kissed so passionately. It lasted a few minutes. "Good morning gorgeous" i said looking into Meghan's captivating eyes. Meghan pulled my lips to mine, sucked my tongue into her mouth, our mouths fully locked together. I could feel o… Leer más

Publicado por Female_body 4 años atrás 5

Two girls explore

She looked so gorgeous standing there, at the airport, just waiting....for my arrival. Never have i witnessed a work of art so beautiful. She was holding up a board with her name on it.....Meghan she was about 20 feet from me. I couldn't believe that i was just about to meet her in person. We have talked for endless amounts of time, and now, finally, after what seems to of been an eternity, we were in each others presence. It was almost like the best dream I'd ever had..... except only better. She looked just as beautiful as i pictured she would be. Her soft blonde hair framing her face perfec… Leer más

Publicado por Female_body 4 años atrás 14

Index of models' initials

It's a safe habit, when writing comments, to refers to models by their initials instead of their full name, lest the vid get identified and then deleted. But of course, sometimes it may be quite puzzling to find out who's talked about in the comments. So I've started to build an index of models' initials, thinking it might be useful. It's not complete (will it ever be?) and if you notice missing models, please notify in the comments, I'll update the page. About the duplicates. As you can see, there are many two-letters homonyms; perhaps we should work out a way to disambiguate them.… Leer más

Publicado por Au_Loressi 10 años atrás 361

Why I STILL Love Kasey Chase.

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Publicado por DaceyMormont 5 años atrás